Friday 7 December 2012


Hi Everyone,


Welcome to my AS Media Studies Blog!!!


At the moment, we are currently studying print media which will result in the creation of my own magazine, specialising in Music. I will be using this blog to record this process and my progress throughout.


We have currently learnt about the codes and conventions of print media and how different colours and fonts can attract a different type of audience. I have also recognized the different aspects of a cover for example, the coulours and fonts used and the different types of shot and about the mastheads relation to this. also a key aspect to any form of print media is a unique selling point or a hook to attract the audience and how this can contribute to the success or failure of any print media.


So far, I have really enjoyed learning about Print media and I can't wait to start my own and see the end product.


Hope you also enjoy following my progress,


speak soon-


Kristi :)