Thursday 13 March 2014

Draft number 2 of my cover!

In this draft I have changed the bottom tagline and changed some of the taglines. I will look for some audience feed back as to what I can change to make it better. 

Thursday 6 March 2014

Re-draft of my Double Page Spread!

I have begun to redraft my double page spread again, I have added more text i.e. questions and re-edited the main picture and added pull quotes. It's not quite done yet as I still have to add more to fill it out but here's a start.

I am creating my DPS using Adobe InDesign:

here is the picture which I have edited using Adobe Photoshop.

Another draft of my Cover!

Here is another draft of my Pop Magazine Cover, this could potentially be my final draft! There are a few things which I want to just tweak and depending on whether they look better then I will upload my FINAL DRAFT!