Monday 4 March 2013

Questionnaire for a Music Magazine!

Questionnaire for a Music Magazine!


1. Would you read a music magazine?

                        Yes               No

2. How much would you be willing to pay for a magazine?

Free                   50p-£1.00                £1.00-£1.50                   £1.50-£2.00

3. Who should the magazine be aimed at?

11-12                 12-13                      13-14                       15+

4. What gender should the magazine be targeted towards?

        Males                               Females                           Both

5. What colour schemes would attract you as a reader?

Bright, clashing colours               Formal, plain and simple colours              Average, primary colours

6. What sort of front cover image would attract you to the magazine?

A popular artist                     A popular band                         Album covers                          Gig shots

7. Are there any other factors that you would like to see in the magazine?

(Please make suggestions as necessary)

Thank You!

1 comment:

  1. 1.) Yes
    5.)Bright, clashing colours
    6.)A popular artist shots
    7.)Fashion tips
