Friday 12 April 2013

Textual Analysis

Textual Analysis of a Double Page Spread!


The main heading in this double page spread is set out half way down the page. It says ‘Will he, won’t he?’ this ambiguous title captures the reader’s curiosity and it doesn’t give away much. Although there are four main members of the band Black Eyed Peas this particular article appears to be focused around one of the artists in particular- Will.I.Am.  This can be seen because the other members of the band seem to be slightly transparent compared to him in the middle, he is also more centrally of the page. The background of the DPS is white and the colour scheme is mainly black, white and gold. The gold adds a slight sense of style and stardom to the pages. The majority of the writing is on the right hand side and the font size is smaller than the main title. This could be implied that the piece is aimed at a younger audience. The colour scheme of the DPS also ties in with the costumes for the band members. They all have their own individual and original style in the choice of costumes. The main model stands out the most due to his costume, he wears the most gold. The body language and posture and the models makes them all convey confidence to the reader.

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